IPSec Avast is now in exchange for 100 million users

dev.ua 2 May. 11:20 Category:Гроші

The Korean State for personal protection (DPA) data has financed the Avast Software Service .ro. 351 mln Czech crowns, which is about $15 million for illegal processing of an Avast's personal data program

Software Engineer стверджує, що Google звільнила його за антиізраїльський протест, в якому він не брав участі

dev.ua 2 May. 10:49 Category:Робота

Інженер-програміст, якого звільнили з Google через внутрішні протести в офісі компанії, стверджує, що компанія помстилася йому за те, що він просто спостерігав за демонстрацією проти ізраїльського оборонного контракту.

10 IT-компаній потрапили до рейтингу найкращих роботодавців від Forbes. До топ-50 також потрапили «Київстар», Lifecell, Vodafone, а також гемблінгова компанія VBET

dev.ua 2 May. 10:14 Category:Робота

Forbes Ukraine оприлюднив рейтинг 50 найкращих роботодавців України. З-поміж фігурантів рейтинг — усі три найбільші мобільні оператори та 10 IT-компаній. Причому відразу дві технологічні компанії обійняли найвищі сходинки рейтингу. Розповідаємо, хто у списку. 

There will be 3 new games on Linkedln. What company offers

dev.ua 2 May. 08:10 Category:Гаряченьке

The Linkedln, the social network owned by Microsoft, and known as the platform to search for work and redesign

Mr. Zielinski freed the head of the Department of cybersecurity CBI, who had previously entered a series of scandals

dev.ua 1 May. 20:59 Category:Гаряченьке

The president of Vladimir Zielinski signed the release of Illy Whitok as chief of the Department of Contronational Defense of State in the area of CBI Information Security. Earlier in his wife's investigators, they found an elite apartment worth more than $20 million

Over here, one of the largest satellite companies can limit the shooting of Ukraine's territory. Minooni's deal

dev.ua 1 May. 19:08 Category:Війна

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense met with one of the largest world companies in satellite shoot to discuss the limitations of the control of Ukraine. This is the only satellite company in the world that provides a 24-hour photo of the entire planet with a 3-5-meter resolution

Ukraine's Glory. The British coach of the Russian cybersport team in Ford, owned by the Lukoil, released for the Ukrainian gas

dev.ua 1 May. 18:30 Category:GameDev

The President reports that in Russia, which consists of Russian and Belarusian players, were displeased that her British coach Owen "smooya" Butterfield wrote in his X (Twitter) "Heil Ukraine." He did it after Forze lost the Ukrainian Monte team

We had a few thousand patients present at the gift shop, including psychotherapy records. There was at least one suicide

dev.ua 1 May. 18:05 Category:Гаряченьке

The jury found a 26-year-old man guilty of all charges, which is 9231 of the distribution of information violating private life, and 20 745 of requests

CPO-Actions Exiting: "The user response to GitHub was noisy."

dev.ua 1 May. 17:36 Category:Навколо IT

The investment at the beginning of March, the Minister of digital transformation of Ukraine was anonymous by opening the code using Action. It allowed the interested iPads to analyze code and offer how to improve "Diya," but not everyone was satisfied. What Chief Product Officer says about this is "Diya Eugene Gorbachev."

In Ukraine, Ukraine will open school for the training of the AI for the support of American media that is ready to invest in millions of dollars

dev.ua 1 May. 17:09 Category:ШІ

According to the magazine institute, Kote's name of Taras Shenchenko is planning to open school for expert training in artificial intelligence

GPL 24 miltech vacancy with the ability to roll

dev.ua 1 May. 16:32 Category:Робота

They're technical and non-technical. Most of them are in Kyiv. Where wages are given are offered from $600 to $1500

PECEO Anthronic says that in future training, the AI model can be held at $100 billion

dev.ua 1 May. 16:13 Category:ШІ

Now, Professor Dario Ammy, CEO and co-founder of the Anthronic company, known as the Schrude AI, one day, will cost billions of dollars, so the number of AI developers is going to be small

Student from Japan created the world's smallest humanoid robot: double smaller than the previous record

dev.ua 1 May. 15:18 Category:Гаджети

The Japanese student Mitahiko went to the Book of Guinness record, creating the slightest humanist robot in the world. This height is only 57.676 mm. This is twice as much as the previous record job as the team from Hong Kong (141 mm)

Mr. Cabin has allocated additional $15,000 to the purchase of 300,000 drones for the ZU

dev.ua 1 May. 15:01 Category:Війна

The additional financing will be commissioned by the Justice Public Safety Administration, which deals with the respective purchases

In addition to 8 of the 10 richest people in the world make in tech, which is a fresh Bloomberg score

dev.ua 1 May. 13:42 Category:Гроші

The investment of Bloomberg Billionares Index published the first May rating of billionaires entering the 500 richest people in the world. There was only one Ukrainian who entered it, and Ilon Maske, who prophesied the first place, was found on the third steps

Ukraine's Ukrainian developers have created an dig-up REB PARASOL which has two modifications

dev.ua 1 May. 13:39 Category:Війна

As a digital minister, Mikhail Ferail Ferador has developed a new development from a member of the Deputy Brave1 - the fossil time of the PARASOL

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